
28 days

TA's have finally arrived, and we will be travelling in October, leaving on the 5th and coming back on the 19th in the evening. Details to be worked out tomorrow...

So in 28 days, it's Canadian Thanksgiving.

In 28 days, I'll be a mom. YAY!!!

In 28 days, our lives will change forever, will become fuller, and richer (in love, not in money. That's an entirely different story...). YAY!!!

In 28 days, we'll have the best day of our lives. YAY!!!

In 28 days, a very sweet, very cute little girl will enter our lives, and be stuck with us for a very long time. Yay?...

(Ask her in about 14 years.)


28 days.

4 weeks.

672 hours.


What have we done?!?!?

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Calisse. If you hadn't sounded it out in the RQ cussing thread, I might not have even gotten it. I haven't heard that word in years.

I'm AW's wife. I had to explain to him that this was not really a religious term....

Do you have a similar swear word for a tabernacle???? I know you do! One literal and one slang ending in a 'noush' sound. I can hear my father saying, "That's not French!!!!"

Good luck to you guys. We may be going by the end of this year - j'espere!

Mrs. AW (nee Cyr)

Natalie a dit…

Maybe I will start that French lesson thread on RQ! :o)

Mrs. Cyr, I do hope you travel before Christmas!!! What a gift it would be!

Anonyme a dit…

I am not dealing with this part of the wait very calmly. I was fine with the wait until I saw my daughter's face. Now I am a mess, so much so that I'm back on blogs when I should be studying Chinese.

Your DD is a cutie-pie, by the way.

There are a lot of French speaking Canadians on RQ. You should start a new thread. I'll pipe in. My French isn't what it once was, but when we had some on-line translation of Cellule's blog done today, I laughed pretty hard.

Juliette a dit…

So I guess packing and more packing and re-packing...
You have an exciting part of the journey ahead of you! Bon voyage.

gen11111 a dit…
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sorry about the deleted comment..I have no idea where the gen111 came from..hahaha
Such fantastic news!!!! Wohoo....

Anonyme a dit…

We are so happy to hear your wonderful news. Lyra is celebrating her first birthday next month, I think your little one will have a birthday soon too. Maybe our babies can meet this winter! Have a wonderful journey to China. We are thinking of you.