
Found it! And I'm doomed...

Yummy found the off switch on her own, and we had a lovely day yesterday! Yay! Lyra's mom was right: there's a new tooth! That makes it 8, and we still have lots of drool and red cheeks, so I'm on the look-out for more. She's now in her crib, actively protesting this idea of a morning nap with all kinds of funny sounds. It's hard not to laugh, but I need that nap too! No nap, no post...

OK, too much crying, gotta go check...


Oh no!!! She found out how to sit on her own! She was close to it this morning, while we were playing. I guess enough anger will get you where you want... or close enough...

I'm doomed!


Changed the diaper, rocked her a few minutes, put her back to bed. She's still crying wildly, after a few weeks of very good naps. What to do??? She is tired, that I know for sure. But if she doesn't sleep, we'll be back on the whining road... and there's no more wine...


Third times a charm: she's asleep, after I rocked her long enough...


So, we have new favorite toys: the stuffed ones!

She goes crazy over her teddybears and soft dolls and such, and it's just hilarious to watch her hug them!

And she's discovered that since she's isn't crawling yet, pointing to something while going "wawawa" or "yayayaya" will usually result in getting it.

Still can't believe she sat on her own... helloooooooo endless bedtimes! We were doing so good, usually under 20 minutes!

I need my coffee... Ta-ta for now!

2 commentaires:

RamblingMother a dit…

So cute. Next she will be mobile. Then you really lose some freedom.


Anonyme a dit…

I love the updates....She is too adorable and Seb is too funny vacuuming with Marianne on his back!
Kyle loves the vacuum and pushes it around the whole time...It is so funny!