
The sweetest day...

Whew! What a day yesterday was! It started kind of slow rumour-wise, and then everything started happening at light speed! First, a Spanish agency posted that referrals had gone through to Nov. 21st, and were congratulating families. They wouldn't lie to their clients, would they??? That meant we would get our referral too! Soon after, we got the confirmation that we would indeed get it. But we also had the information that our agency was more likely to call on Monday, so we were prepared for a very looooooooong week-end.

Then my cell phone rang...

Her name is Zhang
Bai Xiang, and she's 7 months old!
We were hoping for a young baby, but THAT was a surprise! She was born Dec. 24th, 2006, and is from Jiangxi. We are getting the pictures and file sometime late next week. Agency's policy... :o(

After lots of tears and hugs and phone calls to friends and family, we came back home, popped open the champagne, and made more calls!

I'm still trying to name all the emotions of the day... Excitement, joy, happiness, love, thankfulness, relief, surprise, tenderness, peacefulness, and quite a few more that I haven't found names for yet... I'll let you know when I do...

I woke up way too early (let's call it jet-lag training...), with the sweetest, most tender joy and happiness ever. I just stayed in bed, and let the emotions flow. What a high...

6 commentaires:

Yoli a dit…

Congratulations and many happiness to you and yours.


Anonyme a dit…

Congratulations from a fellow Jiangxi adoptive mom.
You are in for the time of your life. You'll love Nanchang (the capital of Jiangxi). The people are wonderful. I have several photos of Nanchang in an album on my website. Feel free to check them out.
...and don't forget to post those pictures of YOUR little one as soon as you get them. :)

Mom to Isabel
LID 8/30/05
Shangrao, Jiangxi
In my arms 1/21/07


Anonyme a dit…

Congratulations!! Prepare yourself to just be in a fog for the new few weeks... this is an amazing time!!


Anonyme a dit…

again, yeah! and by the way, you were totally "tipsy emailing" yesterday!!!!! But don't worry about it, you are talking to the queen of tipsey blogging! Can't beleive I got to be part of your big day!

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Encore Félicitations!
Hope you had a fantastic day, in bed, dreaming of your little one.

Amy a dit…

Congratulations! Our daughter is also from Jiangxi. Her birthday was December 22, 2005... 19 months old now and has been home for almost 1 year already (wow!). It's great to still see referrals of young babies... I remember the shock of being referred a 6 month old! What a blessing! Hope you travel soon!