We got two nice breaks (well, S did: I was just washing baby clothes...). On Saturday night, we went to the Bell Center, to the Ste-Justine's pediatric hospital "end of fund-raising" private show, for patients and employees. Celine Dion (fund-raiser's spokeperson) and Cirque du Soleil were performing, along with a bunch of other people. I don't normally cry at shows, I don't cry at all for Celine Dion, but I must admit, with all the children's references, with Celine's performance, with Bai Xiang on my mind ALL THE TIME, it was all I had not to start bawling my eyes out a few times... Great show, great performances! And a really fun ending when, after everything was over, they threw about 50 giant beach balls that bounced all over the crowd for the kids to take home.
On Sunday, Mortimer's Mom invited us over for BB's birthday party. We got to meet some very, very nice people, and BB recognized me, which was MY gift for the day! :o)
As we were about to leave, the door to the backyard came off its hinge. Or rather, the hinge came off the beam supporting it. Now, this is a big door, about 6 feet tall. Before the door touched the ground, Mortimer's Mom got the drill and some new screws, flipped the door upside down, and put it back on the other side!!! I counted one man holding the door and 4-5 watching...
Just like I said: Macgyver's Mom! I tried to get her to come home with us and help with the floor, but you know, with the (amazingly cute and bright and charming) kids and all...
OK, I'm ready for my baby's pictures now.
6 commentaires:
ok, that even made me laugh! 'cause when I tell those stories, it always sounds like I'm making it up!!! And I can be there in a second, to help with the floor! With M. the Amazing Babysitter, I find myself looking for projects!
It was so great to see you and meet The Husband!
Hey, I saw it live! Tell people to call me if they don't believe you! I'll believe anything now... ;o)
I can believe it. But then again, I've seen MM (Macgyver's Mom) in action.
And my husband was the one holding the said gate. I was a little jealous as I am usually the one he holds things for :)
Are you a drill girl too? ;o)
Very much so. I buy most of the tools in this household although husband has gotten pretty good over the years with the proper training ;)
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